Thursday, December 20, 2012

New Main Arc Post

I finally got a little work done on the Main Arc.  See it here:

I'm still introducing the Moth and getting the main characters introduced.  I'd love some feedback.  Is Dr. Spike hard to grasp?

Monday, December 17, 2012

Turning Point

Our second story line is out there!   John has got the first two chapters of his Dryden Experiment Story "Turning Point" up and ready for review.  Much darker than Seli but pretty wicked.  Give it a look.

We're going to get more into the corporations soon.  If you've got an idea that you'd like to contribute, drop us a line at

The Main Story Arc

Hey all.  The main story arc for The Dryden Experiment is here:

I, Joel, am about a zillion years behind in getting the next post up but, if you want to know where it all started, this is the story.

 We haven't gotten started seriously looking for art yet (we don't have our authors and artists guidelines up yet) but I'm waiting already waiting to see a cool rendering of the Moth.  Hard to build a Sci-fi universe without a cool spaceship.  Got any ideas?